The Auction Strategy

Is your property not receiving enough attention? Tired of looking for a buyer? Not interested in another price reduction? The term “auction” derives from the Latin augere, which means “to grow.” The auction method of sales relies on competitive bidding rather than establishing a price cap, which sometimes attracts bargaining. Auctions are straightforward; the seller and auctioneer establish the date of sale. Buyers do pre-contract inspections and due diligence and sign non-contingent contracts backed by non-refundable deposits. Closings and property transfers are often completed within 30 days, at which point the seller recoups funds from an asset and is free to pursue other opportunities.



  • You enjoy a simple sales process that requires no negotiating on your end.
  • Auctions can reduce the costs associated with putting a home on the market and maximize returns.
  • The auction deadline creates buyer urgency.
  • Auctions attract qualified and serious buyers.
  • The typical timeline is 30-days or less which eliminates carrying costs faster.
  • You set the terms and day of your auction so that you can plan your life accordingly.
  • The sale isn’t contingent on inspections and appraisals.
  • Reserve auctions provide sellers with price protection.
  • Buyers can’t ask you to do additional work or pay additional expenses since properties sell as is.
  • The competitive bidding process helps you receive the true market value for your house.
  • Experienced professionals handle all the marketing, promotion, paperwork, and the auction event.